•Color QuickDraw in ROM required for use of the Color menu.
Known Incompatibilities:
•Timer 3.5a doesn’t like to be run compressed with AutoDoubler. It interferes with the saving of preferences, and will cause errors even if you have turned saving of settings off. Use the AutoDoubler control panel to exclude compression of Timer.
Using Timer:
Timer is extremely simple and straightforward to use. The “Start” button resets Timer and begins counting upward in hours, minutes, and seconds. . The “Stop” button stops Timer. The “Pause” button temporarily stops Timer. Click the “Resume” button to continue counting with a paused Timer.
To use the Countdown feature, select “Set Countdown...” from the File menu. Type the time for countdown in hours, minutes, and seconds in the appropriate fields. Check the “Countdown Timer On” checkbox to turn on the countdown timer; otherwise, “-:--:--” will be displayed for the remaining time. Click “OK” to save your changes, and “Cancel” if you change your mind.
Starting with Version 3.1, you can now configure Timer to either stop counting down when the set countdown time elapses or to “loop around” or start counting down again from the top. Select “Configure...” from the File menu to use this feature.
Use the “Color” menu to change the color of the timer. If the Color menu is dimmed, then your computer does not have Color Quickdraw or a color monitor.
Starting with Version 3.2, Timer now “remembers” your settings for countdown time, “looping around”, and colors. The last colors you set, as well as the last countdown time and the last “loop around” setting, will be saved when you quit and will automatically come up when you start Timer. This feature is always on; future versions will allow you to configure it. (Notice to people who like to poke around with ResEdit: These settings are stored in ‘tPrf’ resource ID 128. Feel free to change the preferences settings there, but do not delete the ‘tPrf’ resource. Without it, Timer will not function properly, if at all.)
On-line help is available from the Help menu; Balloon Help is available for the menus and the “Set Countdown...” dialog box..
Timer Information:
Version 3.5a of Timer is Shareware. That is, if you like it, please send $12 to:
MQI Concepts
3125 S. Mendenhall Ste. 241
Memphis, Tenn. 38115
Please send any bug reports, suggestions, or ideas for wholly different applications to the above address as well. I can also be reached at:
GEnie: B.Trammell
Support BBS: Menu Bar and Grill
(901) 363-1214
Timer Version History:
1.0: Initial version. Written as a model for an Apple ][ nerve impulse timing program (which has since been scrapped, by the way).
1.1: Completely reorganized timer routines.
1.2: Added color capability.
1.3: Adjusted display routines for faster window updates.
1.4: Made application more efficient (reorganized routines).
1.5: Added minimal AppleEvents support (Quit App).
1.5.1: Added required AppleEvents support.
1.6: Added On-Line Help.
2.0: Added Countdown Timer.
2.0.1: Bug fix, made application more efficient.
2.0.2: Tweaked Countdown Timer display. First release version.
2.0.3: Reorganized timer display routines to eliminate flashing.
2.0.4: Display bug fix, made display routines more efficient.
2.1: Added Notification Manager support (flashing Timer icon in menu bar when time elapses).
2.2: New Set Countdown... dialog box, fixed all known errors. First national release version.
2.2b1: Compatibility bug fix.
2.3: Added code to make Timer work with any Mac running System 7.0.
3.0: Added Current Time display, a Pause/Resume mechanism, and Balloon Help.
3.1: Added “Looping Around”. Not released.
3.2: Added “Memory” of settings (a preferences mechanism).
3.3: Added the option of not saving settings.
3.4: Made Timer’s current time display 12-hour rather than 24-hour. Not released.
MQI makes no warranties, expressed or implied, as to the functionality of Timer. That is, if Timer doesn’t work (unlikely), causes any damage to your data (very unlikely) or to your machine (almost comically unlikely), I can’t be held responsible. Use at your own (minimal) risk.